Deborah Lyon
Deb has lived for almost 20 years in Cumbria. Before that she lived in London where she had a reasonably successful career discussing complicated financial stuff with journalists and investors in companies.

Since childhood, she’d always loved the Lake District, so when she’d had enough of the financial world, she moved north. Her dream was always to settle and raise her family in Lakeland. She lives on the shores of Windermere with her husband Gez and her blended family of four children, two golden retrievers, two terriers (Norfolk and Border), three guinea pigs and a variety of tropical fish.
Her first book was a children’s travel guide to Cumbria, Lake District Unlocked, which was published in 2010. She has a Masters in Creative Writing and when she isn’t scribbling away, she runs a holiday let business with her husband.
Deb always wanted to write a series of children’s books and often came up with little stories for her own when they were small. The idea for Timewaif came from an inscription on Roman tombstone in a local museum and a dog walk through a ruined felltop fort. Obsessed by the idea that the Romans came to this beautiful corner of England two thousand years ago and built a society here, Deb began to research their lives, customs and history. This enduring passion led to Timewaif, a story where Tim Wainwright, a twelve-year-old boy with enough problems in his modern life, finds himself falling back in time to an even more challenging place. The first book will take us to the Romans… but it won’t be the last.